Monday, 8 July 2013

Some pages from my new book #2


                             Песни 1960-1970-х гг.

  “Русское поле“    -    Russian Field

Some comments:
     The writer, Inna Goff, was in love with the Russian fields since she was a child. She expressed this love through her poems but never showed them to anyone. Once a friend of her family, Ian Frenkel’, asked her to create the lyrics to his melody, and she agreed to help him. That is how Goff’s poems saw the light of the day first.
     This song was written for the Edmond Keosaian’s movie “ The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers” in 1968. Interestingly, a “white guards” officer performed this utterly patriotic song, and it was a risky step in the Soviet time.
            The song took a fancy of Russians in a moment. It is still popular and it is considered the bright symbol of Russia and “Russianness. Each Russian regards himself as a spikelet of the endless field of Russia.

светить-to shine
луна- moon
падать-to fall down
забыть-to forget
вовек-for ever
прошагать, шагать-to walk
дорога-road, way
сбыться= произойти- to happen
сравнить- to compare
студить-to cool
ветер- wind
Отчизна- motherland
не тая = открыто-frankly
городской человек-townsman
обжечь- to burn
ожиданье- expectation
обещание- promise
синева-  blue colour
пасмурный- cloudy
верить-to believe

 Listen to the song:

Поле, русское поле...
Светит луна или падает снег -
Счастьем и болью вместе с тобою,
Нет, не забыть тебя сердцу вовек!
Русское поле, русское поле...
Сколько дорог прошагать
  мне пришлось!
Ты моя юность,  ты моя воля,
То, что сбылось,
 то, что в жизни сбылось.

Не сравнятся с тобой ни леса, ни моря,
Ты со мной, мое поле,
студит ветер висок.
Здесь Отчизна моя, и скажу, не тая:
- Здравствуй, русское поле,
Я твой тонкий колосок.
Поле, русское поле...
Пусть я давно человек городской,
Запах полыни, вешние ливни
Вдруг обожгут меня прежней тоской.
Русское поле, русское поле...
Я, как и ты, ожиданьем живу,
Верю молчанью, как обещанью,
Пасмурным днем вижу я синеву.


Field… Russian field…
Whether the moon shines or the snow falls,
We are together joined by both
 the happiness and the pain,
and   my heart will never forget you!
Field… Russian field…
How many roads I had to walk through!
You are my youth, you are my freedom.
You are everything
 that has happened in my life.

Neither the forests, nor the seas
  can be compared with you,
We are together, my field,
And your wind cools my face.
Here is my Motherland,
And I’ll say frankly:
-  Hellow, Russian field,
I am your  thin spikelet.

Field… Russian field…
Although I have been a city dweller for a long time,
The smell of the wormwood
and the spring downpours
 touch my heart and make me melancholy.
    Field… Russian field…
Like you, I am in  anxious expectation,
Like you, I believe in the silence
 as to a  promise.
And even on a cloudy day
 I  see the blue sky.

  “Русское поле“    караоке-    Russian Field” karaoke:

Ландыши” -   Lilies of the Valley

Some comments:

            This unprtentious song has an interesting story. The poem “Lilies of the Valley” written by Olga Fedeeva has appeared at the end of the 1950s, and the composer Oskar Feltsman created the music to it only 10 years later. Although this song became a very popular and favourite at one stroke, the official press named it “the model of triviality” which disrupts “the standards of the socialist wisdom”, and a song had this “stamp” for about 25 years.
        At the end of the 1990s, a young Russian band “Megapolis” asked the authors of this song to change the lyrics and to translate it into German. So it was written as a new hit “Karl-Marks- Stadt”. Soon the new variants of this song appeared in English, Japanese, Czech and Hebrew, and this song became well-known in many countries of the world.


принести- to bring
пышный- magnificent
букет- bouquet
робко- timidly
протянуть- to hold out, to extend
скромный-  modest
цветы, цветок-flower
милый- cute
светлый- light, bright
неяркий- pale, soft
наряд- attire, look
нежный- tender
аромат-aroma, perfume
очарование- charm
словно=как будто-as if
песенка, песня- song
признание- confession of feelings
верить- to believe
гасить- to suppress, to put out
мнение- opinion, veiwpoint
дарить- to present
весенний- spring

Ты сегодня мне принёс
Не букет из пышных роз,
Не тюльпаны и не лилии.
Протянул мне робко ты
Очень скромные цветы,
Но они такие милые!

Ландыши, ландыши -
Светлого мая привет.
Ландыши, ландыши -
Белый букет!

Пусть неярок их наряд,
Но так нежен аромат;
В них весны очарование.
Словно песенка без слов,
Словно первая любовь,
Словно первое признание.


Я не верю, что года
Гасят чувства иногда.
У меня другое мнение:
Верю, будешь каждый год,
Пусть хоть много лет пройдёт,
Ты дарить мне в дни весенние.

What you brought me today,
wasn’t a bouquet of magnificent roses,
Or tulips, or lilies.
Very timidly you extended your hand with these very modest flowers,
But they are so cute.

 Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley,
As if bright May is sending its regards.
Lilies of the valley …
A white bouquet!

Even though their outfit isn’t extravagant,
Their aroma is so gentle and tender;
They embody the charm of spring,
Like a song without words,
Like a first love,
Like a first confession of feelings.


I don’t believe that time
  dissipates feelings.
I have another opinion:
I believe that every year
Even when many years pass,
When spring come, you’ll give me:


 Ландыши” караоке -   “Lilies of the Valley” karaoke: 

Все могут короли  -  “Kings Can Do Everything” 

Some comments:
          The famous Russian poet Leonid Derbenev and composer Boris Rychkov wrote this song for the  young Russian pop-star, Alla Pugacheva, which  presented  it in Poland’s 1978 Sopot International Song Festival. The song won and gave the  young Pugacheva worldwide fame and recognition; from then on her popularity skyrocketed. Until today, this song is one of the “business cards” of the true Russian national legend singer (in the full meaning of the word) and it is a  favourite song to any aged Russian.  


править-to rule
страна- country
люди- people
зваться-to be called
любовь- love
времена, время-time
красавица- beautiful woman
стена- wall
пасти- to graze
милый- sweet
решить- to decide
женитья- to marry
судьба- fate
земля- world
вершить- to control
что ни говори- say what you like
сбежаться- to gather up
сосед -neighbour
скандал- scandal
пойти под венец- to marry
портрет- portrait
видеть-to see
завидовать-to envy

Жил да был, жил да был,
Жил да был один король,
Правил он как мог
Страною и людьми.
Звался он Луи Второй,
Звался он Луи Второй,
Но, впрочем, песня не о нем,
А о любви.

В те времена жила
Красавица одна,
У стен дворца  она пасла гусей.
Но для Луи была
Милее всех она,
Решил Луи, что женится на ней.


Все могут короли,
Все могут короли,
И судьбы всей земли
Вершат они порой.
Но, что ни говори,
Жениться по любви
Не может ни один, ни один король.
Не может ни один, ни один король.

«Я женюсь, я женюсь,
Я женюсь»,- Луи сказал.
Но сбежались тут соседи-короли.
Ах, какой тут был скандал!
Ну какой же был скандал!
Но, впрочем, песня не о нем,
А о любви.

И под венец Луи
Пошел совсем с другой.
В родне у той все были короли.
Но если б видел кто
Портрет принцессы той,
Не стал бы он завидовать Луи.

Once upon a time, once upon a time,
Once upon a time
There was a king.
He ruled his country and his people
The best way he could.
His name was Louis the Second,
His name was Louis the Second,
But this song is not about him
It’s about love.

In those days
There was one beauty,
Who grazed geese
At the walls of the palace.
But for Louis himself
She was the sweetest one
And he decided to marry her.

King can do everything,
King can do everything,
And sometimes they control
The fates of the whole world.
Say what you like,
But not a single king
Can marry for love.
Not a single king
Can marry for love.

“I will marry her, I’ll marry her,
I’ll marry her”, Louis said,
But the kings gathered up
From neighbouring kingdoms.
What a scandal it was!
What a scandal it was!
But this song  is not about it
It’s about love.

So Louis got married
To another girl.
Of the royal blood she was,
But if you could see
The portrait of that princess,
You surely wouldn’t envy Louis!

Все могут короли  караоке -  “Kings Can Do Everything” karaoke


              Песни 1980-1990-х гг

       “Мы желаем счастья вам”     -        

    We wish you happiness

Some comments:
      The song “We wish you happiness” and name Stas Namin are a whole single for the Russian musical audience. Stas Namin is known as a professional musician and composer, who created the first Soviet super-band Цветы (“The Flowers”- which were “ the Russian Beatles”) making revolutionary rock history in the country in 1969.
     He created the melody to the lyrics by Igor Shaferan in 1983, but this song was outlawed for two years and came out only in 1985 when the American chorus “Peace Child” performed it in the festival. Since that moment the song “We wish you happiness” became a national super hit topping the national charts for the next three years. It remains a national like-anthem in popularity to this day.


кружиться-to whirl
снег- snow
шальной- crazy
море- sea
грозить- to threaten
крутой- high
волна- wave
подолгу- a long time
добрый- good
ждать- to wait for
весть=новость- news
верить – to believe
нужно- it is necessary
счастье- happiness
солнце -sun
заходить- to set
поделиться- to share
другой- another
ветер- wind
покой- quiet
облачный- cloudy
дорога- road
дальний-far away
сниться- to dream
гроза- storm
снегопад- snowfall
взгляд- look
согревать- to warm, to inspire

 Listen to the song:

В мире, где кружится снег шальной,
Где моря грозят крутой волной,
Где подолгу добрую
Ждём порой мы весть,
Чтобы было легче в трудный час,
Нужно верить каждому из нас,
Нужно верить каждому
В то, что счастье есть.

Мы желаем счастья вам,
Счастья в этом мире большом.
Как солнце по утрам,
Пусть оно заходит в дом!
Мы желаем счастья вам,
И оно должно быть таким -
Когда ты счастлив сам,
Счастьем поделись с другим!

В мире где ветрам покоя нет,
Где бывает облачным рассвет,
Где в дороге дальней нам
Часто снится дом,
Нужно и в грозу, и в снегопад,
Чтобы чей-то очень добрый взгляд,
Чей-то очень добрый взгляд
Согревал теплом.


In the world where crazy snow is whirling
And where seas threaten by the high wave,
Where sometimes we are waiting
 for a long time for good news,
in order to make our life easier
during a difficult time,
We should believe, each of us should believe
  that happiness is in our lives.
We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this huge world.
Let it enter the house like the
 sun  in the morning!
We wish you happiness,
And it should be like this –
When you are happy
Share your happiness with other people!

In the world where the winds have no peace,
Where sunrise can be cloudy,
Where  in the far away trip dreams 
about hom come,
It is necessary that some very nice look
 warm you with its kindness.


   “Мы желаем счастья вам”  караоке   -     We wish you happiness”  karaoke:


Городок  - “ A Town”

Some comments:
        The composer Yurii Varum and poet  Kirill Krastoshevskiy wrote this song in the beginning of the 1990s. It was a terrible time for Russia when the moral principles of the Russian cultural and spiritual life were destroyed and when Russian people were in shock because of the cardinal   economical, political and social changes  in their lifestyle. This song became a nostalgic cry from the heart of many Russians about the previous Soviet time, in which they were a little  poorer but  much happier. The song contains some Russian traditions and habits of the Soviet lifestyle.
        It is still a favourite song of many Russians, and this song gave a name to a very popular comic program “Gorodok” and became its background melody. 


хотеться - one would like
врываться-to rush into
простой- simple
денек, день-day
без спроса- without  ceremony
зависть- envy 
злость- spite 
справлять- to celebrate
провожать навеки – to attend the funerals 
двор- neighbourhood  community
кружить-to swirl
разъехаться- to leave for
сосед -neighbour
кто куда-in various directions
сносить- to demolish
шутить- to trifle
не беда- it doesn’t matter
скупое письмо- short letter
долгих лет- many long years
ровно- precisely
строчка- line
во сне- in one’s sleep
свет- light
узнать-to recognize
почтовый ящик- mailbox
открывать- to open
письмо- letter.
газета- newspaper    

     Listen to the song: 

Ах, как хочется вернуться,
Ах, как хочется ворваться в городок!
На нашу улицу в три дома,
Где все просто и знакомо, на денек.
Где без спроса ходят в гости,
Где нет зависти и злости - милый дом!
Где рождение справляют
И навеки провожают всем двором.

Время, время кружит снеги,
И разъехались соседи кто куда.
И когда дома сносили,
Мы с тобой, мой друг,
                       шутили: «Не беда!»

Раз в году письмо скупое,
Поздравленье с Рождеством
                                  и долгих лет.
Ровно восемь тихих строчек,
И другой какой-то почерк:
                                «Всем привет!»


Лишь во сне приходят лица.
Не узнать и половины - ярок свет...
Год прошел, почтовый ящик
Открываю  - две газеты, писем нет.

Ah, one would like to come back,
Ah, one would like to rush into the town!
Into our street with the few houses,
Where everything was simple and known
    (to come back at least for a day!),
Where people visit each other
                                   without  a reason,
Where there is no envy or spite 
                                (my sweet home!),
Where neighbours celebrate the birthdays and attend the funerals  all together,
                                   as one community.

Time, time swirls the snow…
And neighbours left in various directions.
When the houses were demolished,
We, my dear friend, trifled,
                                 “It doesn’t matter!”  

A short letter once per year,
Just the graters with Christmas
          and wishes of many long years.
Precisely eight quiet lines,
And words written by some strange,
                             other handwriting:
  - Hi everyone!

The faces  come only in my sleep,
But I can’t recognize even a half of them             
 because this dream is too bright …
One year passed,
I open the mailbox –
Two newspapers and not one letter.


 Городок караоке - “ A Town”-karaoke:

            Песни 2000-х гг               

Some comments:
         Russia is one of the only European countries with a distinct and thriving popular music scene relatively unclipped by Western acts. Because the world of Russian pop is so vast and full of distinctive performers and because so many different musicians fill the charts in contemporary Russia, it can be somewhat difficult to navigate. The “pop” category encompasses everything from syrupy ballads to wall-shaking house and techno, with ample offerings in between.
        For curious listeners unacquainted with Russian music, it should be interesting to figure out that there are such “specific” terms in Russian “pop”-music as  “classic-pop”,“popsa”/”soft pop”, and  “techno-pop”.
        For Russians, “classic pop”generally is associated with one person - a legendary singer Alla Pugacheva, who has ruled the pop music scene for over four decades. Other classic pop singers include Fillip Kirkorov, Larisa Dolina, Sofiia Rotaru, Valerii Meladze, Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontiev, and many others.
       “Popsa” is the term (usually used disparagingly) that classifies such dance-pop acts as Zhasmin, Dima Bilan, Alsou,  Gliuk’Oza, goup “Fabrica” (“Factury”).  This wildly popular genre, marked by looped trance-like melodies and repetitive choruses, spawns new “super- stars” all the time.
      The Russian “techo/pop” music scenes are thriving with fresh and undiscovered acts. “Русский  размер” (“Russian Size”), “T.A.T.У” (“ T.A.T.U”), “ Руки вверх” (“Hands Up”)  are  the most popular techno/pop bands in Russia.

Позови меня с собой  - “Take me with you”

Some comments:
           The talented young poet and musician Tatiana Snezhina, who became famous in Russia after her tragic death in a car accident on August 21, 1995, wrote this song. She was only 23 years old when she died, and she wrote over 200 poems that are still used by Russian pop singers in their songs. After her death, she was given the national music award “Song of the Year” and “Ovatsia” prize (Ovation).
          The “Prima Donna” of the Russian pop-music, Alla Pugacheva, performed the song and thereby this song was doomed to success. It took first place in the hit- parades during that  year and it is still very popular. 

снова= вновь- again
ветер- wind
злой- mad
перемена change
уносить- to take away
оставитьto leave
тень shadow
взамен- in exchange
 может быть-maybe
улететь, лететь- to fly
осенний-   autumn
листва, листья, лист – leaf
птица- bird
мечта- dream, hope
позвать- to call, to take with
отправиться- to follow
пророчить- to predict
путь -way
нарисовать- to draw
разбитый- broken
обрести- to get, to find
сила- strength
высота- heights
искать- to search, to look for
сквозь- through
толпа- crowd
прохожий (человек)- passer-by
навсегда- forever
узнать-  to recognize
прежде- before
отпускать- to let go
спускаться- to fall on
ночь- night
спящий- sleeping
бессонный- insomniac
тоска- sorrow
холод- cold 
сон- dream
дверь- door
иной- another, new
  Listen to the song: 

Снова от меня ветер злых
                            перемен тебя уносит,
Не оставив мне даже тени взамен,
И он не спросит,
Может быть, хочу улететь я с тобой,
Желтой осенней листвой,
Птицей за синей мечтой.

Позови меня с собой,
Я приду сквозь злые ночи,
Я отправлюсь за тобой,
Что бы путь мне ни пророчил,
Я приду туда, где ты
Нарисуешь в небе солнце,
Где разбитые мечты
Обретают снова силу высоты.

Сколько я искала тебя сквозь года,
В толпе прохожих,
Думала, ты будешь со мной навсегда,
Но ты уходишь.
Ты теперь в толпе не узнаешь меня,
Только, как прежде любя,
                                    я отпускаю тебя.


Каждый раз, как только
                                   спускается ночь
На спящий город,
Я бегу из дома бессонного прочь,
В тоску и холод,
Я ищу среди снов безликих тебя,
Но в дверь иного дня,
Я вновь иду без тебя.

Again the wind of mad changes
Takes you away from me. 
Doesn’t even leave me
A shadow in exchange
And it won’t ask me,
Maybe I want to fly away with you
Like a yellowish autumn leaf
Like a bird towards the blue hope.

Take me with you…
I’ll come trough mad nights.
I will follow you
No matter what the way predicts me.
I will come to where you are
Draw a sun in the sky,
Where the broken dreams
Find the strength of the heights again.

For how long I’ve been looking for you
Through years in the crowd of passers-by,
Used to think you’d be forever with me,
But you’re leaving.
You’re in the crowd now,
You wouldn’t recognize me,
But as before, loving  I let you go.

Each time, as soon as the night falls
On the sleeping city,
I run from my insomniac home away
Into the cold and sorrow,
I’m looking again through the faceless
                                                     for you,
But through the door of a new day
I step once more without you.


Позови меня с собой”  караоке - “Take me with you” karaoke

Рыбка        “Fish”

Some comments:
       The famous composer Igor Matvienko wrote the melody and lyrics of this song for the popular youth group “ Фабрика” (“Factory”) which he is also a producer of.
       Different folk and literary allusions and motives (such as A. Pushkin’s golden fish, which can fulfil any wish, three dreaming girls; a symbolic seagull and a far-away star in the sky; “liuli-liuli” from the folk song; fairy tale princes, and so on) freely combine the elements of the everyday youth speech («бейсболка», «блин») in this song. Matvienko caused a clash of three opposite concepts of happiness on the universal mythological level in a very simple text and gives the possibility of choice for the audience.


море- sea
теплый- warm
дождь- rain
чайка- seagull
летать- to fly
берег- sea shore
совсем- totally
пальма- palm tree
мечтать- to dream
девица = девушка –girl
край- land
разный- different
принц- prince
встретить- to meet
превратиться- to turn  into
птица- bird
звезда- star
далекий- far away
восхищаться- to admire
бейсболка- baseball cap
ярко- brightly
сиять- to shine
небосклон= небо- sky
солнце- sun
свет- light
плакать- to cry
паренек= парень- fellow
рыбачить- to fish
клевать- to bite
улыбка- smile
пирс- pier
тянутьto pull
непростой- not an ordinary
исполнить желание - to makes the wishes come true
южный- southern

 Listen to the song:    or
   Когда на море тёплый дождь
   И чайки белые летают,
   На берегу совсем одни
   Под пальмой девушки мечтают.
   Ой люли мои, люли,
   Ой люли мои, люли,
   Ой люли мои, люли,
   Ой люли- поцелуи...

   “Вот как бы чайкой я была,” –
                  сказала первая девица,-
   Я улетела б в те края,
   Где много-много-много разных принцев.
   И там бы встретила его,
   И очень полюбила сильно…
   Вот как бы чайкой я была!”
   И превратилась девица в белую птицу.

   Ой люли мои, люли...
                         В небе синем...
   Ой люли мои, люли...
                        Чайка белая летает...
   Ой люли мои, люли...
                      Одинокая летает...
   Ой люли- поцелуи...
                      Да о принце всё мечтает.

   “А если б я была звездой,
   Такой красивой и далёкой,
   Все восхищалися бы мной,-
   сказала девушка в зелёной бейсболке,-
    И я бы ярче всех планет
   Сияла там  на небесклоне.
   И даже солнца яркий свет
   Я полюбила, если б стала звездою!”

   Ой люли мои, люли...
                    В небе синем…
   Ой люли мои, люли...
                   Девушка-звезда сияет…
   Ой люли мои, люли...
                  Одинокая сияет…
   Ой люли-поцелуи…
                  Да о счастье всё мечтает…

   Когда на море дождь из звезд
   И где-то в небе чайка плачет,
   Сидит на пирсе паренёк,
   Сидит с девчонкой и рыбачит.
   А ей не надо ничего -
   Немного моря и его улыбку.
   А тут, блин, как назло клюёт!
   И тянет парень золотую рыбку...
   В море синем...
   В море южном...
   Рыбка, рыбка непростая...
   Исполняет все желанья -
   Вот такая золотая!
   Ой люли мои, люли
   Ой люли мои, люли
   Ой люли мои, люли
   Ой люли- поцелуи...
When the rain is warm at sea,
And white seagulls are flying,
The lonely girls are
Dreaming sitting under the palm trees.

Oh liuli, my liuli, 
Oh liuli, my liuli,
Oh liuli my, liuli,
Oh liuli – kisses…

“If I was a seagull,”
 the first girl said,
 “I’d fly away to
Where princes are.
And I would meet Him there
And fall in love like crazy…
If I was a seagull!”
And she turned into a white bird.

Oh liuli, my liuli… 
             In blue sky…
Oh liuli, my liuli… 
            White seagull is flying…
Oh liuli, my liuli 
              Lonely seagull is flying…
Oh liuli – kisses…
              And is dreaming of prince charming.

“If I was a star,
A far away and a beautiful one,
Everybody would admire me,”
     a girl in a green baseball cap said,
 “And I would shine in the sky
Brighter than any other planet,
And even sun’s bright light
I would fall in love with, if I became a star!”

Oh liuli, my liuli… 
             In blue sky…
Oh liuli, my liuli… 
            A girl-star is shining…
Oh liuli, my liuli 
              A lonely one shining …
Oh liuli – kisses…
              And she is dreaming of happiness.

But there’s rain of stars at sea
And somewhere in the sky the seagull cries,
The fellow sits on a pier,
 He’s sitting with the girl and fishing.

And she doesn’t need anything
Except sea and his smile.
But suddenly,wow, fish is biting,
And the guy pulls out a gold small fish…

In the blue sea…
In the southern sea…
Fish…It’s not an ordinary fish…
It makes your wishes come true -
It’s such interesting gold fish!
Oh liuli, my liuli, 
Oh liuli, my liuli,
Oh liuli my, liuli,
Oh liuli – kisses…

 Рыбка   караоке      “Fish”  karaokе


“Мой ласковый и нежный”   - “
Only, My Tender

Some comments:       
 Although the music – waltz by the famous Russian composer, Evgeniy Doga – was written a few decades ago, in 1978,  for the movie “ My Sweet and Tender Beast”, this song appeared quite recently, in 2007. There is barely any information about the author of the lyric, just his last name S. Alekhanov. He wrote this song especially for the young talented rising pop-star, Zara, who perfectly added the verbal expressions to this enough passionate and stirring melody. There is no Russian who doesn’t like this  new/ old smash hit.

врозь- apart, separetly
унести, уносить-  to take away
листва- leave
береза- birch-tree
наяву- in reality
сон- dream
вдвоем- both, the two together
наедине-tet-a tet
звать- to call
нужно- one should, one needs
разделить-to devide
вновь=снова - again
нельзя- one should not
близкий- close
влюбленный-enamoured of
сберечь, беречь- to save, to keep, to preserve
встреча- meeting
смочь, мочь- to be able

    Listen to the song:
Я с тобой – пусть мы врозь.
Пусть те дни ветер унес,
Как листву с желтых берез...
Я наяву прошлым живу.
Ты мой единственный, нежный!

Ты со мной  лишь во сне.
Мы вдвоем наедине.
Я зову: «Ты нужен мне!»
Вновь наяву прошлым живу.
Ты мой единственный, нежный!

Ты и я – нас разделить нельзя.
Без тебя нет для меня ни дня.
Пусть любовь далека иль близка, как весна,
Но навсегда в нашу жизнь я влюблена.

 Мы с тобой в блеске свеч,
Нас любовь смогла сберечь.
Я живу для новых встреч с тобой,
 Я наяву счастьем живу.
Ты мой единственный, нежный!
I am with you – even though we are apart now,
And even the wind took away those days
As the leaves from the yellow birch-trees…
I live in reality always thinking about the past.
You are my only one, my tender one!

You are with me only in my dream.
We two are together tet-a-tet.
I call, “I need you!”
Again I live in reality always 
thinking about the past.
You are my only one, my tender one!

You and I – it is impossible to split us.
For me, there is not even a day without you.
Although love is far or close as a spring,
I am in love with our life forever.

We are in the shine of the candles.
Love could  preserve us.
I live for the new meetings with you.
 I live in reality with happiness.
You are my only one, my tender one!