Thursday 11 July 2013

Russian idioms/phraseologisms

The Russian language is highly idiomatic, and it is made much richer through its phraseologisms/idioms. It goes on to say that sometimes Russian is hard for a student to learn due to the vast number of idioms it actually uses.

This post contains just a few Russian idioms/phraseologisms accompanied by drawings, translation, and English equivalents. You can discover new idioms and expand your knowledge of idiomatic Russian. 

  Бе́лая ворона
Translation: White crow
English expression: The odd one out

- Петя тако́й стра́нный: одева́ется как в девятна́дцатом ве́ке, а как говори́т чудно!
- Petia is so weird, he dressed as in the 19th century, and he speaks in a strange way!
- Да, мо́жно сказа́ть: бе́лая ворона! 
- Yes, you could just call him “the odd one out”!

Жить как ко́шка с соба́кой   
Translation: To like like a cat and a dog
English expression: To live a cat and dog life

- Почему́ ты такая гру́стная?
-Why are you so sad?
- Э́то и́з-за сы́на: они́ с жено́й живу́т как ко́шка с соба́кой, ка́ждый день ссо́рятся.
- It is because of my son: he and his wife live a cat and dog life, they would just quarrel every day.

  Водо́й не разольёшь 
Translation: You couldn’t split them apart with water
English expression: As thick as thieves
  - У твои́х дете́й хоро́шие отноше́ния?
- Do your children have a good relationship?

- Да, они́ всегда́ вме́сте игра́ют: водо́й не разольёшь.
- Yes, they always play together, they are as thick as thieves.

  Доходит как до жирафа

Explanation: When we say that– we talk about someone who takes a very looooooonnnnnggggggggggg time to understand something.
Translation:  Giraffe is slow on the uptake
-Иногда до тебя доходит, как до жирафа!   
--Sometimes it takes you some time to understand.

 Обвести вокруг пальца 
Explanation:   That means to lie to someone or to cheat in a game.
English expression: Twist round your little finger. 
Когда мы играли в карты, он меня обвёл вокруг пальца.
        He cheated at cards when we played last time.

Витать в облаках 
Explanation:  That means to dream, or to drift away thinking about something.  
English translation:  To be up in the clouds.
Ты всегда витаешь в облаках на уроке.
You always daydream in class.

  Угрызения со́вести
 Explanation:   That means remorse, twinges of conscience, pangs of conscience.
        English translation:   a feeling of regret
Подумай хорошо, прежде чем ты примешь окончательное решение, чтобы не мучиться потом угрызениями совести.
Think carefully before you make the final decision, so as not to suffer remorse later.

Мир тесен //  Шарик круглый
Explanation: You may unexpectedly run across a person you know anywhere. 
English equivalent:  It's a small world.
Translation:  The world is cramped.// Earth is round.
        Вот уж не думал столкнуться с Олегом на этой игре. Поистине, мир тесен!
         I never thought I'd run into Oleg at this game. It's a small world!

Крыша поехала /съехала 
Explanation: Gone completely insane
English equivalent: A sandwich short of a picnic.
 Translation: Your roof is running away from you
                    У него крыша поехала.  
                     His roof has gone.